USS Alexander Hamilton


Jim Licklider
  • Male
  • Groton, CT
  • United States

Jim Licklider's Friends

  • David Glen Evans (Mogan David)
  • William Fearns
  • Michael Dennis Stadt
  • Dana Harris
  • Stan Tribble

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Jim Licklider's Page

Profile Information

What years did you serve aboard the Hamilton?
1977 - 1982
Were you BLUE Crew or GOLD Crew?
Gold crew
What was your rate - or were you an officer?
Where do you live now?
Groton, Connecticut

Comment Wall (13 comments)

At 4:32pm on July 16, 2009, Stan Tribble said…
Hey Jim! Great to have you aboard!
At 8:42pm on July 17, 2009, Michael Dennis Stadt said…
Well, Jim long time since Rose's Cantina. Can't believe you still live in Groton! Do you still remember Queen Elizabeths family tree?
At 9:40pm on July 17, 2009, Jim Licklider said…
I have 2 stepchildren and 7 grandchildren. The eldest granddaughter who is 17 and will be a Senior in High School is now living with us. Rather interesting having young children in the house after all these years.
At 7:06am on July 20, 2009, Dana Harris said…
Hi Jim. Welcome adoard!
I was down visiting Teddy July 4th and your name came up in conversation talking about the days on the Hamilton. Hope all is well.

At 12:04pm on July 20, 2009, Jim Licklider said…
HI Dana,
All is well. I think I am more busy since I retired than I was when I worked.
Our eldest granddaughter moved in with us for her senior year in High School so we are adjusting to having young people around again. But I rather enjoy it she keeps us from getting old and stodgy. Ha.
At 2:00pm on July 28, 2009, Ronald J Rosoff said…
Hey Jim Ron Rosoff I surely remember Joey c.I spent alot of time with him on patrols and on leave.We had memorable times also remember Kevin an et nav center also part of our group.
At 9:18am on July 29, 2009, Ronald J Rosoff said…
Hey Jim,
I have not heard from either Joey or kevin in these last thirty 30!!! years.I do really appreciate those times as I look back,It is the blessing of age.
At 12:02pm on July 29, 2009, Ronald J Rosoff said…
I remember visiting Blackpool England pigeons and old folks on the boardwalk and various cities in scotland.During my tenure on the 617g,I did 5 patrols 1977-1981,we pulled into groton,cape canavaral,charleston and I remember a really cool picnic topside during or prior to a mark 48 cert.
At 12:13pm on July 29, 2009, Jim Licklider said…
Maybe the Weymouth trip was my last run. I have several pics from that. We went to the Stonehenge, and Bath England the rec committee chartered a bus and it only cost us a pound a piece for the trip. Lee Massey is in one of the pics and Earl Wightman, Mark Hord, and some sonar guys. I remember we all got lost in some big park in Bath and had to ask directions out.
At 9:09pm on July 29, 2009, Michael Dennis Stadt said…
Ron, I was reading your statement about Blackpool. I remember me and Jeffrey Bull were supposed to go. The night before we went out and got drunk. During the night Jefffrey threw up all over our bunk room. Master Chief Despard would not let us go, we had to field day the bunk room and take our mattresses up to the tender and get new ones. (So, we did not go!)

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