USS Alexander Hamilton


'One day as he sat in that room called the Ward,
he shook his fat belly and prayed to the Lord...'

1. Who was this epic penned in honor of?
2. What life-changing event inspired it?
3. How does the rest of it go? (this is all I remember)
4. Special hacker bonus: Who penned this magnificent verse?

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How can you forget our illustrious engineer?  David Craig Welling, DC Welling, went by "Craig" to the O-gang.  He was a ring knocker, class of 70, I think. He was affectionately known as Squatty Botty back aft. He left the Frog, ended up as XO on the Archerfish then was CO of the Frog when it went for its overhaul and conversion to a slow approach boat. I lost track of him after that.


Do you remember the Pistachio Fiasco, starring the suppo, Welling, the nightly trash compactors, Mo Howard, the nucs at large, with a cameo appearance by Smilin Sam?


How about this one?  How did the Alexander Hamilton become the "AFROG?"  The knickname was even sanctioned by WR, remember the ships weekly newpaper was the "AFROG LOG."  I even have a couple of those that survived all of my moves.


Jody D. Zimmer said:

Good Lord, man, I don't even remember a Welling!!! I guess your radiation was harder on hair, and ours was absolute murder on brain cells.

Wait, that may have been the beer during off-crew...

I have the great good fortune to be working with a Nuke Electrician, think he sailed on the JimmyK, don't look like much but smart as a whip. I remind him as much as possible about FTB's eating chow in foul-weather jackets. Makes his whole day.

Small world.

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