USS Alexander Hamilton


Who remebers Pat williamson and his Tuna Fish Diet. We got radio involved and sent a bogus message stating the tuna was contaminated with mercury. Doc had him piss orange and it was all over from there. I wonder what ever happend to Pat?

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I still have a xerox copy of that fake newsgram. I will scan it and put it on here. I remember the story well and will rehash it when I scan it and upload it. I do not know what happened to Willy Mason. Do you remember how he got that name? It was due to a mistake while stenciling his last name on his dungarees. "WILLIAMSON" was stenciled as "WILLIMASON".
Ok - I found the message and scanned it. Click here to view it. Read the description below it for more information.
How did you end up with this !?! Those were the good times.

Stan Tribble said:
Ok - I found the message and scanned it. Click here to view it. Read the description below it for more information.
I have had it tucked away with some of my qual cards for years. Speaking of qual cards I scanned some of them and added them to my photos. They are the ones that they never pushed real hard on in terms of completing them.
I have forgot a lot of things, but i remember this! I am not sure what FTB came up with the idea. I clearly remember standing in line a the galley with Pat and smilling sam came by and asked Pat about his health. It was so hard not to laugh.
David - I am pretty sure it was you who was with me at launcher when Pat was telling us what all was happening and when he got to the part about peeing orange I think it was you that could not contain your laughter and it was contagious on me!

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