USS Alexander Hamilton


Chauncey Wells (Hobbit)
  • Kyle, TX
  • United States

Chauncey Wells (Hobbit)'s Friends

  • Michael Dennis Stadt
  • Joe Gonzalez
  • Stan Tribble

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Chauncey Wells (Hobbit)'s Page

Profile Information

What years did you serve aboard the Hamilton?
1979 - 1983
Were you BLUE Crew or GOLD Crew?
Gold Crew
What was your rate - or were you an officer?
MT2 (SS) (3313)
Where do you live now?
Kyle, Texas

Chauncey Wells (Hobbit)'s Blog

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

Best Wishes to all this Holiday season!

Posted on December 27, 2009 at 10:27pm

Comment Wall (18 comments)

At 2:48pm on June 17, 2009, Stan Tribble said…
Welcome aboard Chauncey!
At 4:49pm on June 17, 2009, Dana Harris said…
Hi Chauncey! Nice site huh?
At 4:57pm on June 17, 2009, Chauncey Wells (Hobbit) said…
Hi Dana, yes nice site.
At 5:00pm on June 17, 2009, Chauncey Wells (Hobbit) said…
Don't you just miss the smell of diesel in the morning...
At 8:23am on June 18, 2009, Dana Harris said…
It's the amine in the CO scrubbers that I miss.
At 12:11pm on June 18, 2009, jim tucker said…
Hey Chauncey,

This is kind a like old times. Like an MT party that will never end now. Thanks Stan
At 5:53pm on June 18, 2009, Chauncey Wells (Hobbit) said…
Hi Jim
At 6:01pm on June 18, 2009, Chauncey Wells (Hobbit) said…
Dana, I think part of that ozone smell was due to radiation on stainless.

A few years ago I was in a tunneling electron microscope lab and the only thing in the lab was the microscope which was made out of stainless and stainless alloys and it used hi energy electrons and produced x-rays and the lab smelled just like a sub.

just an observation....
At 12:19am on June 20, 2009, Stan Tribble said…
Hey Chauncey - I am hoping to make it to Austin for my Alma Mater's football game against the Texas Longhorns on November 7th. This will be our 2nd meeting. In 2007 the Horns edged us (UCF) out 35-32 when we fumbled on our would be winning drive. We will have to get together since you live pretty close to Austin.
At 6:43pm on June 21, 2009, Michael Dennis Stadt said…
Do you still have the bread truck.
At 7:45pm on June 21, 2009, Michael Dennis Stadt said…
I remember me and Jay Kisor chasing the bread truck in a parking lot at a ship's party. We were drunk and our wives were pregnant and not too happy. It was very cold. Mr. Pruitt, Teddy and Bill (George) were at our table. When we were leaving I went into the coat room and tried on the captain's wifes fur coat.
At 9:41pm on June 21, 2009, Stan Tribble said…
Man I completely forgot about that bread truck you drove Chauncey! This website is going to bring back lots of memories.
At 5:52pm on June 22, 2009, vito accardi [aka froggie ] said…
on the boat my nickname was froggie so i got a copy of a family gram and drew the frog on the front and ever since we called it the alexander frog i was proud of it lololol have a nice day
At 7:02am on June 23, 2009, J Mark Hord said…
I hardly recognize you without the boat-beard. Good to touch base again old friend.
At 1:12pm on June 23, 2009, J Mark Hord said…
My picture is one from when I was very young...with general Thucydides in the Peloponnesian war....
At 10:22am on June 25, 2009, Rick Romaine said…
Chauncey,good to hear from you.I was a Seabee for 9 yearsand unlike my time on the Hamilton I got to see some places.
At 3:55pm on July 18, 2009, James Gill said…
Didn't he used to say " .... I'll rip your face off!" ?
At 2:16pm on July 27, 2009, Ronald J Rosoff said…
I do believe I remember those perticular rough seas.I recall being topside on watch hanging on for life but I remember how beautiful the stars were and how close to a feeling of total freedom I had. Yours Ron J rosoff

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