Ok, it's time to give it up. During my six patrols, I made a lot of friends, but played a lot of gags along the way. For anyone that didn't appreciate them, too bad, I had a blast! The most memorable one was my fourth patrol, which would have made it '80 on the gold crew. As you all knew, we had the LFPC that performed each halfway night. However, how many of you knew who made up the LFPC hit club? The five of us that were in it won that halfway night competition, hands down. But, we couldn't accept due to needing to remain anonomous. So, the cat's out of the bag on one of us, me. For those in the LFPC that patrol (Grantham was one of the unfortunate ones), sorry for the rotten eggs and flour that you were pummelled with, but we just had to do it. No, Chief Hirt was not in the LFPC hit club, he was busy as the TDU king! What a great three years! Lots of good stories, great memories!